Monday, July 11, 2022

How to travel with low budget

Many people have requested how can i travel the world for cheap in 2020. 
Now look there are so many places you can go in the world, right now we are in Japan and I have had so many people ask me that how can I traveling to all these different places we have been on about 40 some flights in 2019 and they ask how do you afford it.

The question, how are you able to travel for a couple hundred dollars for a week's worth of travel around the world. I am going to show you everything, and we are going to break it down into three parts we are going to talk about. How you are actually getting to your destination?, are you flying? how are you getting your flights? where are you finding your flights?
We are going to talk about accommodation,

Some of the cheapest ways to stay for you know 20 30 40 a night and then we will talk about food we are going to talk about. Some other travel tips as well to save you a lot of money and look the point.  This is not to be cheap about this and try to pinch pennies when you are, traveling i love spending money

When I travel but the idea here is that, if you can spend less money on certain areas when you are traveling you can end up going on more trips you can end up going to very cool destinations instead. Let say of going to the beach for a week and spending thousands dollars of money on a very expensive hotel there was a lot of other options out there so.

let's get into that right now let's talk about one of the first things is how we are going to find cheap flights. Actually getting to your destination there's a couple tips that we can have  one of them. Using a service that is really going to get you the best prices.

Everybody kind of has their own options for this and their own best things for this some people use kayak

Some people use Scots cheap flights, i personally use Google flights now this is a personal preference, i think Google is kind of the best when it comes to most things.

I find the cheapest prices on there I will kind of show you what I do for myself when i book tickets there's a couple things that are really important to take into consideration though.

so what I will do is I will book one-way tickets instead of booking round-trip, because that way in some cases it can be cheaper to fly to different cities and schedule different layovers on your own, rather than just kind of relying on these flight checkers to do it for you . What I will do is pull up Google flights and then I will set my airport location great tip. This is try to find an airport that's pretty big around you say that you have two airports both equally distant from your house that you live in right now

One of them is a major international airport and the other one's like a smaller hometown one the major airports you're generally going to find cheaper flights all around so just keep that in mind the bigger the airport the better so for me Philadelphia airport is literally like a couple miles away or new york even i can find some incredibly cheap flight out of there so try to get those bigger airports. For example for  December 11th if you are flexible. you could fly from Philadelphia to Las Vegas for 15. That is not a joke you can actually go for 15 frontier air, you are probably going to get to your destination they have relatively new planes, but it's 15 it's one way you have to buy your return ticket somehow and you can see that you can find some really cheap flights on Google flights

As I know, I have never seen them for as low as 15 that's a pretty good deal to go across the country across the united state
as you can see 15. all right so we also found a return ticket from Vegas to Philadelphia on the 14th for once again 15. So your total round trip ticket to Vegas is going to be 30, for planes now you have to pay for hotels. Find a place to stay in an Airbnb.

But i can't look to travel it doesn't need to be that expensive this is literally one of the cheapest flights I have ever seen that you can get and you just have to be really  proactive about this.

Try to get these tickets about six weeks beforehand and you are going to find some really great deals. Now another thing that you want to take into consideration is if you can really focus on being flexible when it comes to where you are going, so what I will do on Google flights here is I will just set this destination to the explore page and then I will just look around the globe for cheap flights. Sometimes you can end up in places that you never would have otherwise thought you were going to be in For example i did not plan on coming to Tokyo until a couple of weeks ago when I went out of Google flights and I just found a very inexpensive flight to get here. It is only for a few hundred dollars which is pretty cheap to go from new york to japan for that cheap of a price and that is just because I was very open to where I was willing to go for myself.

Now another thing is if you can be kind of flexible when it comes to the dates that you're traveling. Generally if you are traveling during the week say on a Tuesday it's going to be cheaper than traveling on the weekend traveling on a Friday night or right before thanksgiving or right before Christmas when everybody's trying to travel

It is going be more expensive, so find the times when less people are traveling a great time like the fall like in October or November i suppose it is. It is going to be pretty cheap. 

Now let's talk about accommodation there is really four options that are available to you. The first one is hotels, now look I really not a big fan of hotels. Most of families go on vacation and they will spend like two thousand dollars for a week for a hotel, they're spending like 300 a night for hotels and i just don't think it's worth it, it is something that i generally do not do. 

The only time  I will stay in hotels is if I am in a country where it's relatively inexpensive, say Mexico or if I am in an area where it's a little bit dangerous maybe the government's not so stable, then staying in a reputable hotel could be a good option rather than just like staying at somebody's house in a random country the other option especially if you're traveling with a number of people is to use Airbnb i think this is a great option for whenever you are looking for just something cheaper than a hotel especially if you are like five or six or seven people, that is going to be one of your best options now i also like to travel in hostels.

This is generally for people who are younger in their 20s in their 30s but this can really save you a lot of money some people don't like doing this and it's not for everybody but essentially just imagine a hotel room but with multiple beds. That random people sleep in I am not picky about it though I am really not I found some of my favourite best memories that I have had this year.

Came from just meeting people in hostels and ending up meeting people and then finding out you know they're going to a different country they're going to France or they are going to Israel, somewhere and i just end up making friends and going to the next country with them kind of out of the blue unexpectedly and i i think it's just really fun for myself it's generally for younger people though 20s and 30s i would say but you can get ones for 20 30 maybe 40 a night at the most for a bed which is pretty cheap when it comes to travel comparing that to say hotels right now in japan we're actually staying in some pod hotels which i think is one of the coolest concepts I have seen.

In quite some time so I will show you this i think it's just absolutely ridiculous but in a good way so it kind of looks like coffins but everybody has their own little pod it's just a bed, there's not many accommodations it's not like a five-star hotel there's no pool, but i think it's just so cool now they really cram people in here. It is so cheap it's like 40 a night

You know people don't think they can travel the world for cheap this is 40 a night that's that's really inexpensive, that's what 1200 a month if you're gonna stay there for a month that's cheaper than some people's rent that, they pay in their apartment or in their house so.  I think this is so cool, they have plenty of accommodations here they have showers obviously.

The culture over here is so much different you can't walk around shoes in this pot hotel, but it's really cool. I barely fit in here I am a little bit tall my feet don't quite hang out of this you can close it too you can close the blinds and it's pretty quiet and it's pretty cool so.
They are actually putting these pods in some different cities as well, I think they have in new york I know they are going to put them in Philadelphia is a number of other cities throughout the world, so looking at hostels looking at pod hotels these other things if you're not really picky. Something that will save you a lot of money and then finally the fourth option when it comes to accommodation is doing some type of Couchsurfing, now I want to be careful with this because this can sometimes not go so well or go as planned

My tips for this is like only sleep on people's couches that you're friends with that you already know previously, there's some websites for it like that i know people who have used them and had a good time but I would just be careful like sleeping on strangers couches that's a little bit weird, but yeah if you can just make friends with people around the world you're going to end up having places to stay and the one thing my mom taught me from a young age is don't invite yourself over to people's houses. 
Do not just tell your friend that you are going to stay at their place for a week, but let them invite you and then you have a place to stay for free and then when they come and visit your city you can just let them sleep on your couch and it's just kind of a mutual thing that i think is just a great way for everybody to save money and just get a better experience.

All around the board now the last thing we are going to talk about here is talking about food and some other various expenses when it comes to traveling so for food you know i see a lot of people where they'll go out and they will eat like three times a day. When they're going on these vacations maybe it's because they are used to cooking back home and they want to just splurge and spend some money and not have to worry about making food. 

There's a lot of cheaper options and still getting some really cool cultural experiences

Last night we went to some ramen vending machine place and it was like two dollars and fifty cents for some ramen at these vending machines and i just thought it was really cool, whereas other people might spend a hundred dollars on a meal at like a fancy Japanese sushi restaurant somewhere it's just not worth it to me i really don't like spending a lot of money on food I am not picky when it comes to it I think all food tastes good and I am pretty spoiled when it comes to.

Just being more willing being more open to trying places that are the cheap food places around the world it's going to save you a lot of money, there's so many videos out there and blog posts about that too of pretty much any city that you can go to. Sometimes that food can be some of the best food that you're going to have whenever you travel,

Saving money on that i don't rent cars, when i travel i think renting cars it's just an extra expense you got to pay for you got to pay for parking for it. There's just too many other expenses involved with it. I will just use public transportation and then i also love traveling light so we're actually to roll that video out next week about traveling on sort of like a minimalist approach from this but i have pretty much one bag for this trip. Bring this other backpack too because I had some of my camera gear my laptop in it and i'm probably going to be gone for maybe a month

Outside of the us so i had to bring a little bit more stuff but traveling light it creates a lot less headache and it's actually cheaper, when you don't have to check bags it's going to be cheaper all around the board and just so much easier for yourself. Hopefully you found some value in this article. 

let me know down in the comment section below and i'll get back to you as soon as possible